
Hotels in Bali

Where to stay in Bali

Hotel Recommendations in Bali

All recommendations are given in good faith, but we cannot guarantee availability or price at time of booking.

Grand Hyatt Bali

The conference will be held in the meeting rooms at the Grand Hyatt Bali

The SSBP has a block booking of 50 rooms at the hotel for the nights of the conference (5th and 6th September), accessible with a discount code to use on the hotel website. 

These reserved rooms are held for the attendees of the SSBP conference, and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis while they are available.

The discounted rate may also be available for nights before and after the conference, subject to availability at the hotel at the time of booking.

You will receive the discount code for the hotel after completing SSBP conference registration.

Other Hotels

There are a range of other accommodation options available, both in the Nusa Dua area and near the airport. Further recommendations will be published here soon.